Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Brrrr it's cold on Lake George...

HI EVERYONE I could not believe my eyes when I looked at the temperature this morning. It was a cold, brisk, -11 degrees and I wasn't even out on the frozen lake! Speaking of the frozen lake, Brian (another camp director at Chingachgook) and I ventured out there today and the pictures you see is my best attempt at the "YMCA". This sounds like a great time for another Chingachgook challenge. Please send me pictures, of all the places you and your friends do the YMCA" pose. I'll look through the photos and put the best in future Chinga Bugle newsletter. Just remember, you have to do your letter "c", backwards otherwise it will end up looking like mine. I'm sure you don't want that to happen! If you had to guess how many inches of ice the lake had right now, what would you say? Well, as of this morning, the area around Camp has 6 inches of ice already. Surely with the low temperatures that number will only grow. I'm going out on a limb, but my guess is the lake will eventually have 18 inches of ice, maybe even more. Each week I’ll update the number. It's kinda funny, as the number of inches of ice grows larger, the number of days till Camp grows shorter! I'm keeping a countdown till this summer and I hope you are too! Remember, now there is only 139 days until session one, 153 days until session two, 167 days until session three, 174 days until session four, 181 days until session five and only 188 days until session six!

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