Friday, February 27, 2009

Fishing Derby a Hit!

The annual fishing derby at Camp this past weekend was a smashing hit. On Saturday, the turn out for the derby included more people then we had previously seen in one day. These are just a few pictures of the young, camper age, participants in the derby and the great fish they caught over the weekend!

Monday, February 23, 2009

2009 Program and Waterfront Staff

After publishing the counseling staff for next summer, it is only fair to do the same for the waterfront and program staff. So here they are and in no particular order

Waterfront - Mark Lessard, Steve Fletcher, Katie Miller, Jason Woods, Justin Painter, Cedric Gamble, Molly Cohn, and Jine Andreozzi.

Program - Erica Schlachter, Ken Stannard, Heather Siegel, Andrea Morehouse, Allison Esker, Richy Madden, Zach Martin, Nick Cioffi, Laura Weiner, Nick Alfonso, and Jeannie Lukin.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2009 Counseling Staff

Here's your line-up for your counseling staff for next summer. Listed in no particular order.

Ross Anderson, James Harvey (New Zealand), Mike Patalano, Stephen Smigielski, Stephen Collins, Neil Pickus, Bourke Kraus, Joe Kennedy, Stephen Meigher, Nick Brennan, Ryan Koella, Jason Limbach, RJ Kosineski, Michael Sayers (Ireland), Cameron Colloton, Antony Blacker (UK), Evan Finkle, Marshal Hoda, Meaghan MacArthur, Suz Rossi, Maya Holmes, Chrissy O'Connor, Ali Sweeney, Emma Schneider, Kali Coll, Erin Shipley, Claire Sacco, Marie Catalano, Melissa Reohr, Kristey Palmisano, Lindsay Cioffi, Brittanie LaFrance, Crystal Painter, Mary McAfee, Kelsey Cioffi, Emily Rezin, Ashley Resto, Pat Holland, Adam Nast, Danny Lempres, Spencer Smigielski, Dan Dokuchitz, Russ Hayes, Dylan Sorensen, Lucas Wager, Peter Batzinger, Justin DeSantis, Chris Moehringer, Spencer Wilks, Arthur Benware, Max Yanover, Ian Cohn, Greg Redling, Nicole Balmer (UK), Nora Nadire, Eliza Dropkin, Lily Rothenberg, Celia Hanss, Kellee Britt, Stephanie Kalas, Sarah Taormina, Kristi Haner, Brittney Wetzel, Austin Anderson, Anna Nason, Hallie Glassman, Fran Pitelli, Melissa Dubin, Caitlin Hussey, Anna McMaster, Laura Johnson, and David Ernst!

Phew...that's a lot of counselor!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Earth Service Awards!

On April 8, 2009 YMCA Camp Chingachgook will host the 4th annual Earth Service Awards Banquet. This banquet honors nominees of the Earth Service Award. The award honors students of local high schools in Washington and Warren counties. The Earth Service Award is given to high school students who have demonstrated a commitment to improving the environment through projects that exemplify their leadership, citizenship, stewardship, and volunteerism. Students who have been involved with activities such as recycling in their school or community; roadside, stream or lake clean-up; trail maintenance; tree planting; community gardening; air quality improvement; delivery of environmental conservation programs; increased public awareness through letter writing; contributions to newsletters or newspapers; artwork; or an environmental internship are invited to apply at this time each year.

Nominees, their families, school, local and state officials will be invited to Camp Chingachgook on April 8 for a special Awards Banquet. All nominees will receive a Certificate of Appreciation, recognition in local newspapers and YMCA newsletters, and a gift certificate. The winner will also receive a $500 award towards college expenses.

Environmental organizations and community members are invited to attend the Earth Service Awards Banquet. Past sponsoring organizations include: the Adirondack Community College, Fund for Lake George, Lake George Mirror, Fort William Henry Corporation, Adirondack Council, and The Association of the Protection of the Adirondacks, Resident’s Committee to Protect the Adirondacks, The Adirondack Mountain Club, Glens Falls National Bank, Adirondack Nature Conservancy and Glens Falls Printing. All proceeds to benefit the YMCA environmental education scholarship program. Honorees and a guest attend for free. Sponsorship opportunities are still available at all levels.

Are you a high school student in Washington or Warren County and want to apply for the Earth Service Award? Check with your high school guidance counselor for an application or contact YMCA Camp Chingachgook. Don’t think this is for you? You don’t live in Washington or Warren counties and/or are not a high school student? Tell an older sibling, cousin, neighbor, or friend to apply.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chingachgook's New Sister Camp

Starting with the summer of 2010, Chingachgook will be helping reopen the doors to YMCA Wa Wa Segowea located in the fabulous Berkshires of Massachusetts. Wa Wa Segowea's story is really quite sad. Back in 2005, after the summer ended, the doors to the Camp were closed and were thought to be closed for good. After some hard work by George Painter and the YMCA, we're extremely hopeful to help open this Camp for the summer of 2010! You might remember some Wa Wa Segowea board members visited Camp this summer and were serenaded by the entire Camp with chants of "Wa-Wa!". In the picture above you see the key staff who are helping make this possible. Starting from the left, you see Toby (Camp Director), Norm (property director), and of course George Painter (Executive Director).

Monday, February 9, 2009

Women's Weekend a HIT!

This patst Friday - Sunday, over seventy women from around the area gathered at Camp for a spectacular weekend full of fun and great food. Three times a year, Chingachgook hosts a women's weekend where women come to Camp and have the opportunity to participate in many of the activities that all of you do when you're here in the summer. Sure there are activities that are different like Clay Masks and Cooking Classes (see pictures above and below). Not to mention that great quality of food that is served all weekend! Has your mom been to a women's weekend before? Maybe you should convince her to come to one!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fishing Derby at Camp

On February 21 and 22 Chingachgook will host it's 8th Annual Salmon and Lake Trout Derby. Head on down to Camp, walk out onto the frozen lake and fish! The cost is $8/day for adults or $15 for the weekend. Children under 12 are $5/day or $8 for the weekend. All proceeds from the fishing derby will go to directly benefit the YMCA Reach Out For Youth Scholarship Fund!