Monday, March 30, 2009

You know you're from Camp Chingachgook when...

Your know you’re from Camp Chingachgook when…

1. You know EVERY word to “I love Camp Chingachgook”, “This Camp is your Camp”, and “I’m a Chingachgook Kid”

2. When you see a golf cart, you automatically think about Camp, not golf.

3. Phil Holden has a special place in your heart.

4. You know what KYBO stands for…and you still use it.

5. You’re positive Camp keeps unicorns in the unicorn pen in the JGU.

6. Your favorite song ever is Aaron Cantor’s, “shake yo’ finger.”

7. You’ve gone off the rope swing so many times, that you’ve perfected the art of answering questions in mid-air.

8. It makes you mad when non-camp people won’t honor your calling of “dibs.”

9. You have the urge to call “CHECKAR” after you finish clearing the table at home.

10. When you pack for Camp every year, you throw in tons of “weird stuff”, because you are CERTAIN it’s going to come in handy.

11. Anytime something is empty you say, “okay, whoever kills it, fills it”

12. “Fred the fairy is so great, is so great, is so great. Fred the fairy is so great, because he’s a fairy”

Thanks to Sarah Caffry for providing me with the inspiration and content! You rock Sarah :)

If you have any others...add them in the comments section, just make sure its appropriate!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Climbing Tower

As I was walking around Camp yesterday, I stopped for a little while at our climbing tower. It's really an impressive landmark at Camp isn't it? 52 feet tall with six different climbing routes and is easily one of the most used program activities at Camp outside of summer camp. The view from the top is well worth the effort it takes to climb all the way up there. You can see the entire Camp!
In the next couple of days, some of the Chingachgook staff are going to start climbing/playing around on the tower tightening any of the holds that have become loose over the winter.

Monday, March 23, 2009

It was supposed to be nice...

Yesterday, Dan, Lauren, and I decided to scale Buck Mountain for the first time this spring. The weather was supposed to be great. A warm fifty degrees, maybe a slight breeze. But nothing we couldn't handle right? Wrong. By time we reached first lookout, there were some snow flurries and by time we reached the top of Buck, it was a full blown blizzard! The picture above was the best photo I was able to take of the still frozen lake. If you look carefully, you can see there are some noticeable cracks in the ice...won't be long now until we have lots of open water. That is as long as it does not snow anymore.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sunny Days

We've had some really warm weather recently at Camp. So much so, that I was able to snap this picture of the beach yesterday. It was quite the scene at Camp. Lots of people, playing in the sand and the water...really a good time!

Ok, so the lake is still frozen, but wouldn't it be nice if our beach actually looked like this...even if just a little?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

When will the Ice melt?

The next big question surroung Camp Chingachgook is when will the ice finally melt? With temperatures reaching 45 degrees on Saturday and supposedly 50 degress on Sunday and Monday, will the ice dissipate and allow for boats to own the lake again? What do you think? When will the ice melt. Place your guesses in the comments section and if you're correct, you'll win a Chingachgook shirt!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Final Countdown...well, not exactly

Okay...supposedly the temperatures might reach 50 tomorrow...which obviously means Camp is about to start. Also, keep your eyes and ears open for a killer Camp reunion sometime in early May with all the fixings (climbing tower, softball, canoeing, and a possible batman apperance).

Camp Chingachgook 2009 is going to be off the hook for shizzle

Countdown to Camp....
Staff Arrival: 106 Days
Session 1: 117 Days
Session 2: 131 Days
Session 3: 145 Days
Session 4: 159 Days
Session 5: 166 Days
Session 6: 173 Days

Who's ready???

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2009 Support Staff

I know it has been generating a lot of here is the 2009 Support Staff!

Junior Girls - Lori Seal
Junior Boys - Alex Tiberio
Senior Girls - Kristen Milano
Senior Boys - Mike Poleto
CIT Directors - Carlos Perez & Tressie LaFay
Special Events - Ken Stannard
Skill Class and Beyond - Heather Siegel
Hikes Coordinator - Erica Schlachter