Monday, June 1, 2009

Now that it is June...

Wow...less than 28 days stands in our way until first session gets started at Chingachgook. A lot has to happen and will happen in the next several weeks. What exactly is going on you ask?

Here are some highlights happening at Chingachgook before June 28
-The Chingachgook international staff will arrive
-Unit Directors start planning for their units
-Two different lifeguard trainings
-Counselors and Program staff show up at Camp
-Skill classes are prepped for the summer
-The Summer Staff participate in opening campfire in mid-June
-Session One has it's theme decided
-Reveille and TAPS are heard throughout Camp
-Summer staff plays, "Giants, Wizards, and Elves"
-Mike Poleto does a belly flop off the rope swing

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