Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On top of Buck Mountain

The weather turned nice for just a few minutes Sunday, so I took a chance and attempted to reach the summitt of Buck Moutain. The hike was exactly as I remembered it, although I could have been a better navigator. Getting "lost" or "off trail" only three times isn't bad right? Perhaps I'll sit in on some Hike Prep Day activities and improve my navigation skills. The temperature on top was COLD, but the view was tremendous. Seeing the entire Lake George area from above, without trees, was special. It's a completely different view when compared to the green colors of Summer (Side note: the trees should start growing their leaves anytime now at Camp!). The picture on the right is looking in the general direction of Camp, and the one on the left is facing the Tongue Mountain range. The picture below suggests that their is some repair needed before the state trail is 100% ready for people to use!

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