Monday, June 23, 2008

Opening Campfire...for Staff Week

Last night the staff at Chingachgook gathered at Leap Inn point for what they all hoped would be an epic opening campfire that would serve as the template for opening campfires for the rest of the summer. Very simply...nobody was dissapointed. Each village (including adventure, program, waterfront, and even day camp) performed or introduced themselves to the whole group! I did manage to capture a couple of great moments for everyone to see. The picture above is the Junior Boys Village doing their "ultimate symbol" for the rest of Camp and the video below is a great capture of the Senior Girls Village singing and dancing for the rest of Camp. They have great voices and dancing skills if you ask me...what do you think. Anyway, staff weeks continues as we prepare for CITs to arrive on Thursday and Campers to arrive on Sunday!!!!


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