Monday, November 24, 2008

Summer Sunsets

Looking back at this past summer, everyone involved took away something very special. What am I talking about? Memories of course. Memories of friends, activities, counselors, and much more. There are somethings that can only been seen or accomplished while at Camp though, perhaps these pictures tell the true story of the beauty of Camp during a sunset. These pictures were taken by our yearbook photographer Kat Gandy (yearbook will be sent home in a few weeks) and she was gracious enough to allow me to post them online. Actually I didnt ask, but she would have let me anyway.
These sunsets remind me of programs ending at Camp, while we were gathered at the center green prepared to sing TAPS and officially end the day. Hearing everyone singing, arms wrapped around one another, will stay in my memory for a long time. Hopefully you have similiar memories of Camp. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and has fun spending time with their family.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving at Chingachgook!

Hey Guys, not sure if you are aware but...

Camp Chingachgook is offering a great Thanksgiving for your family. Reserve a table and enjoy a bountiful buffet of roast turkey and baked ham with the traditional fixings, or a vegetarian alternative. Freshly baked pies and other gourmet desserts complete the feast. Make a day of it and hike the mountainside trails, stroll the waterfront, play basketball or volleyball, or watch your favorite football teams on TV by the fire.

-Dinner seatings at 1:00 and 3:30.
-$22 per person, kids and young adults (under 22 years old) pay their age.

Call 518-656-9462 ext 0 to make your reservation.

Thanksgiving at Chingachgook is a great opportunity to get the whole family together. For those traveling from afar, rustic, heated cabins with a centrally located bathhouse are available for overnight lodging. Please call for information and to make reservations.

Friday, November 14, 2008

First Camp Countdown for 2009

Countdown to Summer 2009 Begins....NOW
Staff Arrival: 215 Days
Session 1: 226 Days
Session 2: 240 Days
Session 3: 254 Days
Session 4: 268 Days
Session 5: 275 Days
Session 6: 282 Days
Who's ready???

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just waiting for the snow...

As you can clearly see our pavilion is packed tighter then on any summer closing day. That is because it is the winter home to the Capris, Rainbows, Martins, and power boats. The picture below also helps tell the story about the waterfront. The aluminum docks are gone, floats have been taken out, the ropes that lined the swimming area are packed away and even the mouring balls are out until next spring. The only two boats left in the water will be gone before too much longer and the only recognizable feature at the waterfront will be the rope swing. Don't get any ideas though, the water is much to cold to jump into...unless of course you're planning on a Polar Bear swim sometime in January

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A little Campfire Action

This weekend at Camp it's volunteer work weekend. Today (Saturday) over 100 volunteers came and have helped us rake, clean, and throw stuff away. What do they get in return? Well, besides three great meals from the kitchen, the Chingachgook Staff (Brian, Heather, Robin, Pat, Dan, Carlos, Rosa, Kat, and me) all put on a wonderful Campfire for around a dozen girl scouts and a large group of students from the Waldorf School. The picture above is Robin doing her best swimming moves in Rotary Lodge during a skit. Is she any good? Tomorrow (Sunday), we'll head out there again completing some more work projects around Camp. Interested in coming up for the next work weekend? It'll be in April, so stay tuned for more information and I hope to see you at Camp soon!

Oh, don't forget to register for Camp :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Your next President!

Thanks to everyone who voted for me. The final tally, 34 votes for me, 19 for Obama, 5 for McCain, and 2 for Nader. Thanks again and remember to vote for me again in four years.

In actual Camp related news...All of our boats are out of the water! If you were to visit our waterfront right now, it would look nothing like it does for the months of June, July, and August. Stay tuned for a picture.

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's November!!

Well, October came and went pretty fast. Did anyone throw together a Chingachgook Halloween party? I speak for everyone when I say it would be great to post some pictures of staff or campers dressed up in costumes for the scary night. Send them my way! Also make sure you've registered for Camp for next summer. Space is still available in all sessions in all units, but it won't stay that way for long. With that, only 238 days until session one starts :)