With all the recent rain/ice we have gotten here at Camp in the last week, I find myself looking forward to the warm summer months even more frequently. Although, it is still quite a bit of fun to ice skate on the center green or on the lake itself. Now, only if I actually owned a pair of ice skates I would be able to do that! Next week at Camp we have the first of the two major conferences that we host every year. It's actually a very exciting time, just after the conferences, our seasonal staff starts to return and Camp comes to life again. There are still plenty of chances to see Camp at it's winter beauty. We are hosting a Easter brunch at Camp, everyone is invited. The cost is $16, children 15 and under pay their age, the brunch starts at 11 and culminates with a tremendous Easter Egg Hunt at 1:30. Of course I will be there which is all the more reason to come! Give Camp a call to RSVP, the food will be dynamite, I guarantee it! And while I'm at it...the countdown continues to summer 2008! How are you counting down the days? Let me know!